The Board of Trustees met for its regular meeting in the Admiral Lawrence Banquet Room at the Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium beginning at 0800 on December 7, 2017. ADM Robert J. Natter ’67, USN (Ret.), Chair of the Board of Trustees, acted as chair of the meeting and Captain William R. Dawson ’82, SC, USN (Ret.), served as secretary of the meeting.

The Chair welcomed all and determined that a quorum was present. Maureen Cragin ’85, Greg Colandrea ’90 and Minh-Tu Greenberg ’99 were all excused in advance from the Board meeting by ADM Natter. The Chair then noted the recent loss of two Distinguished Graduates, Captain Thomas J. Hudner ’47, USN (Ret.), and John E. Nolan ’50. Additionally, a member of the Brigade of Midshipman, Midshipman Juan “Jimmy” Jimenez ’18 passed away in October and CDR Alphonse Minvielle ’38, USN, was recently identified as an operational loss after almost 70 years. The Chair then asked for a moment of silence for those members who had gone before us since the last meeting.

The following actions were taken by the Board:

In his remarks, the Chair provided an overview of what was discussed by the Executive Committee. He also advised that the Executive Committee had unanimously approved the Authorization to Transact Business Resolution. In addition, the Chair provided an update on the progress of the Alumni Association and Foundation co-location initiative.

The Chair of the Governance Committee, CAPT Karin Vernazza ’90, USN (Ret), gave a report from a review performed at the request of the Chair of the manner in which the Association handled Senator Jim Webb ’68 declination of the 2017 DGA Award. The committee answered the following three questions:

  1. Did the Alumni Association act appropriately in the handling of the nomination selection and announcement of the Distinguished Graduates?
    The Alumni Association properly managed the 2017 DGA ceremony and awards program based on the written information available to them at the time Senator Webb declined the award in writing within a short period of time before the scheduled ceremony.

  2. Did Senator Webb decline the award through his statement and actions?
    Based on available written info it is inconclusive as to whether Senator Webb declined the award in totality or only declined to accept the award at the DGA ceremony. Specifically, no documentation was available that might access Senator Webb’s full intent when he declined to accept the award via his written statement issued on his website.

  3. Did the Alumni Association properly handle the declination in not listing Senator Webb as a Distinguished Graduate?
    The Alumni Association acted properly in removing Senator Webb from the 2017 DGA program and removing any mention or recognition of Senator Webb as a 2017 DGA Award recipient once he declined the Award in writing.

The Chair then thanked the Governance Committee for their work and accepted their report.

Byron Marchant ’78, President and CEO, gave the President’s Report, as well as an update on the campaign. Bill Dawson gave an update on Plan 2020 objectives and alumni association initiatives, including Shared Interest Groups and the Alumni Mentoring Program.

The Superintendent of the U.S. Naval Academy, VADM Ted Carter ’81, USN provided the Board with an update on the Naval Academy and the Brigade of Midshipman.

Kristen Pironis gave a report on Communications and a review of Shipmate magazine. Captain Hank Sanford, USN (Ret.), gave the Treasurer’s Report.

Reports were received from Governance, Other Chapter Selection, Admissions, Membership & Alumni Services, Communications, House and Nominating Committees. Murph McCarthy ’00 Gave his report of the Council of Class Presidents. The Chair then bade farewell to CAPT Sanford, CFO and Treasurer of the Alumni Association and Foundation.

The Chair announced the next meeting date: 10-11 May 2018.

The meeting adjourned at 1100

Bill Dawson ‘82 led the Board in singing two verses of Navy Blue and Gold.

William R. Dawson

Updated: October 11, 2018
Curator: Ed Moore